Feel Beautiful with Your Mask On: Let Your Eyes Talk

Clients often approach me with concerns about looking tired and these concerns have grown because of pandemic lifestyle changes. 

Mask wearing during the pandemic has moved the focus away from your nose and mouth, to the upper area of your face. With your smile hiding behind a mask, your eyes are now a central point of conversation and beauty expression.

Your eyes portray body language that communicate emotions. Whether you’re excited or uninterested, the eyes will certainly tell. The same is applicable with signs of fatigue – it’s hard to hide and concealer can only do so much!

In today’s blog, I’ll explain the impacts of eye strain, and share some cosmetic interventions that can help your eye area feel rejuvenated. As a licensed physician, I have one simple tip to help you feel beautiful with your mask on: Let Your Eyes Talk.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our social and economic fabric in ways that most people never could have imagined. With frequent changes to public health guidelines, mask mandates and social distancing requirements, many industries were forced to pivot their operational strategies. The beauty and cosmetic industry was no exception, as we quickly needed to pivot in response to changes in beauty consumption.

Mintel’s 2020 report on color cosmetics found that nearly 50% of women are spending less on makeup in response to COVID-19 lifestyle changes. Understandably, makeup products like lipstick go unseen and become messy in an environment where masks cover the bottom half of your face. On the other hand, more focus is placed on the upper half of your face as a central point of conversation – encouraging folks to invest in skincare. 

The skin around your eyes is thin yet works hard throughout the day. Not only is the skin involved in blinking, squinting and smiling, it is also an area that has a reduced number of oil glands. Optometrists have observed that the pandemic has increased the impacts of digital eye strain as a result of virtual work and long hours of screen time.

According to the 2021 Digital Report by We Are Social an and Hootsuite,  the average internet user now spends almost 7 hours per day using the internet across all devices. Your eyes are especially affected by this change in screen usage and the effects present themselves in many ways. Staring into the bright light of a screen for long periods of time can lead to blurred vision, dry eyes and headaches.

In terms of facial appearance, eye strain presents itself similarly to the characteristics of fatigue. You are either bright eyed or described as looking tired, and bags may form around the eyes. 

Younger Looking Eyes Never Go Out of Fashion: Take Care of Your Eyes!

There are multiple at-home solutions for eye care that can offer a refreshed look. Adequate rest, a healthy diet and proper skincare around the eye area can help you look refreshed on any given day. Here are some useful tips that you can apply:

  • Get enough Sleep
    The recommended hours of sleep varies by age however, most adults are encouraged to rest for a minimum of 7-9 hours per night. Consult your doctor if you are experiencing irregular sleeping patterns that considerably affect your health.
  • Reshape your eyebrows with makeup or microblading
    You’d be surprised how much the face can change after some simple trimming of the brows! I often say that eyebrows can either make, or break a face – consider reshaping your brows to define the look of your forehead.
  • Treat your eyelashes
    As you age, your lashes begin to thin and fall. I sell Latisse, a prescription treatment that can lengthen and darken your lashes and eyebrows. Another alternative is using magnetic lashes, or getting them professionally done
  • Use cold compresses, facial rollers, or antihistamines
    If you have baggy eyes, these items can help reduce puffiness, inflammation, and stress, while cooling and soothing your skin.

If you want to take your skincare a step further, consider aesthetic treatments that offer timely results with limited downtime. I offer the following services that are personalized to each clients needs:

  • Plexr Plus:
    A 30 minute nonsurgical eyelid lift that takes 1-3 sessions. This treatment addresses eyelid hooding or droopy eyelids. Not only does it result in increased collagen, but also can safely remove lesions/ growths around the eye
  • Neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin)
    Used to lift the tail of eyebrow and soften crows feet, creating a smooth appearance
  • Skin brightening agents like Cyspera or chemical peels:
    Reduces blemishes or scars while improving your skin texture
  • PDO mono threads:
    Used to lift the brow and thicken the skin under the eye or thicker threads to get the famous “cat eye” look
  • PRP and microneedling:
    Used on the under-eye area to increase collagen production and rejuvenate the skin

As we continue to tackle the current wave of the pandemic, be mindful that the change in lifestyle activities has an impact on your eyes. Take the time to consider some of my eye care suggestions and book an appointment with me if you would like to know more.

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